Shifts to Cloud & Mobility

security has transformed


The shift towards cloud applications, coupled with a hybrid and mobile workforce, has fundamentally altered the security landscape. Gone are the days when the office perimeter served as the primary line of defense. Today, employees operate from anywhere, at any time, requiring network access and a plethora of cloud applications to fulfill their tasks.

This expanded attack surface has made it increasingly challenging to pinpoint vulnerabilities and assess risks effectively. In the ongoing race between deploying new security technologies and evolving threats, maintaining a robust security posture is paramount. How do you safeguard your assets amidst this dynamic environment?

At Cloud9, we understand these complexities, and we're here to help. By collaborating with top-tier security solution partners in the industry, we offer a comprehensive and holistic approach to address your security needs. Our goal is to streamline the security process, providing our clients with the advantage of a sophisticated, global intelligent security platform. Together, we can fortify your defenses and navigate the ever-evolving threat landscape with confidence

Common Security Challenges

  • Increasingly sophisticated attack methods

  • Accelerated security breaches

  • Disappearing perimeters

  • Constantly changing infrastructure

  • Too many products that are costly to configure and manage

  • Under-staffed IT teams

  • Data overload with limited manpower and skills to find true threats

  • Increasing demands to meet compliance requirements

Security consulting services

Cloud9 can help you improve your security posture. We are aligned with the best Managed Security Providers in the industry who can do the following:

    • Security Posture Assessment

    • Security Strategy & Roadmap

    • Custom solutions to support compliance, risk and governance

    • Security Assessment Service to review Regulatory requirements & Industry standards

    • Compliance Review & Testing

      • SOX

      • HIPAA

      • FINRA

      • PCI

      • CMMC

      • DCAA + FAR

    • DDOS Prevention

    • Firewall Security

    • Web Security

    • Email Security

    • Network Security

    • Endpoint Security

    • Cloud Aplications

    • Mobile Endpoints

    • All Company Assets

    • Securing all mobile endpoints

    • IoT Security

    • Device Compliance

    • 24 x 7 SOC proactive monitoring

    • Managed Detection & Response

    • Incident Response & Forensics

    • Guidance & Recommendations